Press Releases
Marketplace Events Reports Increases in Consumer Attendance
6 Feb, 09:49 PM
Marketplace Events Reports Increases in Consumer Attendance Activity at leading home show producer’s 2013 shows-to-date indicate uptick in homeowner spending...
Activity at leading home show producer’s 2013 shows-to-date indicate uptick in homeowner spending
FEBRUARY 6, 2013 – CLEVELAND, Ohio – Marketplace Events announced today that attendance at the first four home shows in the company’s annual portfolio realized an average attendance increase of 17 percent over prior year, per CFO Mark White. These figures include pre-event online ticket sales and box office ticket sales for shows in Salt Lake City, Utah; Chantilly, Va. (suburban Washington, D.C.); Oklahoma City, Okla. and Indianapolis, Ind.
Additionally, online ticket sales for the company's upcoming U.S. shows are trending an average increase of 32 percent. Notably, the Philadelphia Home Show, which opened February 2, is currently up 79% percent in online ticket sales—the highest year-on-year increase since the company started selling tickets online in 2006.
White also reported that exhibit space sales for all 25 North American shows produced by Marketplace Events in the first quarter is up 5 percent over prior year.
Tom Baugh, CEO of Marketplace Events, North America’s largest producer of home shows, believes that the increases in space sales, attendance and pre-event tickets are clearly indicative of home improvement spending being on the rise. “Our results so far this year, coupled with low interest rates and improving home sales, lead us to believe that more and more people are taking on home improvement projects that they have previously put off,” said Baugh. “Now more than ever, home shows are relevant to bring people with projects together with local businesses offering competitive pricing and promotions that even savvy shoppers might not find elsewhere.”
"We are pleased with the strong performance of our first four shows," explained White. "All indicators point to continued growth in attendance and exhibit sales numbers through the remainder of the year, which is positive news for the home and garden industry and Marketplace Events.”
About Marketplace Events
Marketplace Events creates vibrant expositions connecting enthusiasts with experts, products and services in dynamic face-to-face environments. The company produces 34 consumer shows in the home and garden category—25 in the U.S. and nine in Canada. The company will launch the American International Motorcycle Expo (AIMExpo), a trade and consumer show for the motorcycle industry in October of this year in Orlando, Fla. AIME is the first event to be produced by the company’s new Trade Show Division. The 35 combined events attract 15,000 exhibitors, 1.1 million attendees and another 1.5 million unique web visitors annually. From 14 offices, the 115-person staff produces some of the most successful and longest-running shows in North America, including market-leading home shows in Philadelphia, Pa.; Washington, D.C.; Orlando, Fla.; Minneapolis, Minn. and Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, Canada—some of which have thrived for more than 75 years.
Lisa Kropf
Chief Revenue Officer
866-463-3663 ext. 3
FEBRUARY 6, 2013 – CLEVELAND, Ohio – Marketplace Events announced today that attendance at the first four home shows in the company’s annual portfolio realized an average attendance increase of 17 percent over prior year, per CFO Mark White. These figures include pre-event online ticket sales and box office ticket sales for shows in Salt Lake City, Utah; Chantilly, Va. (suburban Washington, D.C.); Oklahoma City, Okla. and Indianapolis, Ind.
Additionally, online ticket sales for the company's upcoming U.S. shows are trending an average increase of 32 percent. Notably, the Philadelphia Home Show, which opened February 2, is currently up 79% percent in online ticket sales—the highest year-on-year increase since the company started selling tickets online in 2006.
White also reported that exhibit space sales for all 25 North American shows produced by Marketplace Events in the first quarter is up 5 percent over prior year.
Tom Baugh, CEO of Marketplace Events, North America’s largest producer of home shows, believes that the increases in space sales, attendance and pre-event tickets are clearly indicative of home improvement spending being on the rise. “Our results so far this year, coupled with low interest rates and improving home sales, lead us to believe that more and more people are taking on home improvement projects that they have previously put off,” said Baugh. “Now more than ever, home shows are relevant to bring people with projects together with local businesses offering competitive pricing and promotions that even savvy shoppers might not find elsewhere.”
"We are pleased with the strong performance of our first four shows," explained White. "All indicators point to continued growth in attendance and exhibit sales numbers through the remainder of the year, which is positive news for the home and garden industry and Marketplace Events.”
About Marketplace Events
Marketplace Events creates vibrant expositions connecting enthusiasts with experts, products and services in dynamic face-to-face environments. The company produces 34 consumer shows in the home and garden category—25 in the U.S. and nine in Canada. The company will launch the American International Motorcycle Expo (AIMExpo), a trade and consumer show for the motorcycle industry in October of this year in Orlando, Fla. AIME is the first event to be produced by the company’s new Trade Show Division. The 35 combined events attract 15,000 exhibitors, 1.1 million attendees and another 1.5 million unique web visitors annually. From 14 offices, the 115-person staff produces some of the most successful and longest-running shows in North America, including market-leading home shows in Philadelphia, Pa.; Washington, D.C.; Orlando, Fla.; Minneapolis, Minn. and Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, Canada—some of which have thrived for more than 75 years.
Lisa Kropf
Chief Revenue Officer
866-463-3663 ext. 3
Press Releases