The team at Marketplace Events strives to take each show beyond exhibit space, banners, and logos... We build experiences. ExhibiTALK is where the Marketplace Events team shares best practices and strategies to truly get the most out of your show experience. We bring buyers and sellers together in environments that ensure opportunity and success for our customers. Online, in print or on the show floor, we connect businesses with the audiences they need to reach; and we want to make sure every connection is worthwhile.
Celebrating Marketplace Events Award Winners at #MPEAustin
May 16, 2016
In May 2016, Marketplace Events held a company meeting in Austin, TX. In the Austin spirit of keepin' it weird the theme for the meeting this year was #BoomBiscuit. According to UrbanDictionary.com, the top definition of the slag term "Boom Biscuit" is: Success has been achieved. You have done what you said you would do. A term of endearment towards a successful outcome.

Our time in Austin was spent celebrating a successful show season and catching up with each other. Company meetings allow everyone from across the U.S. and Canada time to share ideas and best practices. It is a time of open exchange and future planning. Teams focused in meetings covering everything from marketing events to logistics.
Of course, the company meeting is also time to celebrate our award winners! Throughout our three days in Austin, Tom Baugh, Mark White, and Lisa Kropf announced our 2016 Marketplace Events Award Winners:

“Over the Top” Award 2016
Robert Johnstone
Laura Groninger
Mari Franco
Jean Sukys
Stephanie Gatzionis
Joanne Carry
Grace Cadavos
Highest % of Profit - Dollar for Dollar
2016 Oklahoma City Home + Garden Show
RaeAnn Saunders
2nd Highest % of Profit - Dollar for Dollar
2016 Salt Lake Tribune Home + Garden Festival
Brooke Parks
3rd Highest % of Profit - Dollar for Dollar
2016 Calgary Home + Garden Show
Teri Salazar & Jenn Tait
Highest Year-on-Year-Growth in Contribution
2016 Johnson County Home + Garden Show
Marc Gary
Most New Business Sold
2016 Denver Home Show
Laura Martin
Highest On-Site Renewals (3-5 day shows)
2015 KC Holiday Boutique
Marc Gary
Sherri Huffman
Irene Rice
David Thon
Bev Winkley
2016 Winnipeg Renovation Show
Kayla Donaldson
Stephanie Gatzionis
Jill Kivett
Zoe Watters
2016 Oklahoma City Home + Garden Show
Mark Levine
Heather Newsom
RaeAnn Saunders
Highest On-Site Renewals (6+ day shows)
2016 Indianapolis Home Show
Tami Bailey
Laura Groninger
Heather Newsom
Nicolette Wyatt
Highest Exhibitor Satisfaction Rating
2016 Winnipeg Home + Garden Show
Kayla Donaldson
Stephanie Gatzionis
Jill Kivett
Jenn Tait
2015 Holiday Boutique
Marc Gary
Sherri Huffman
Irena Rice
David Thon
Bev Winkley
2016 Cleveland Home + Remodeling Expo
Cathy Berthold
Danielle Borowicz
Caitlin Dorney
Rosanna Hrabnicky
Rese Pardue
Highest Increase in Attendance
2016 Capital Remodel + Garden Show
Jean Sukys
2016 Capital Remodel + Garden Show
Brianna Stahlmann
Highest Sales by an Exhibit Sales Consultant above Sales Target
2016 Home + Remodeling Show
Lauren O'Neill
2nd Highest Sales by an Exhibit Sales Consultant above Sales Target
2016 Birmingham Home + Garden Show
Karen Adair
3rd Highest Sales by an Exhibit Sales Consultant above Sales Target
2015 KC Holiday Boutique
Bev Winkley
Highest Year-on-Year Growth in Local Sponsorship Sold
2016 Edmonton Home + Garden Show
Customer Service Leaders
Jenna Jackson
Cristian Moore
Rachel Whitman-Rush
Michelle Whyte
Congratulations to all our award winners!
Celebratin' all y'all & one blowout, barn-burning BOOM Biscuit of a season!
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